Halfmoon Bay Community Hall Project
NEW - March 11 Update - - Read an update by CLICKING HERE on site preparation work that is due to being on the hall in the comings.
A new community hall is coming to Connor Park in Halfmoon Bay - this is your space to stay informed on the construction of the hall.
On the right you can read about the history of this project and see latest updates.
Below Ask questions at anytime!
NEW - March 11 Update - - Read an update by CLICKING HERE on site preparation work that is due to being on the hall in the comings.
A new community hall is coming to Connor Park in Halfmoon Bay - this is your space to stay informed on the construction of the hall.
On the right you can read about the history of this project and see latest updates.
Below Ask questions at anytime!
Have a question about the project? Ask it here!
Before you ask a question - be sure to check out the commons questions listed on the right side of the page.
Share Now that conceptual design is complete when will the community have an opportunity to meet with the SCRD and Principal Architecture to review and comment as per my question below; with the response that “This date has not yet been determined”. So, is the time soon? on Facebook Share Now that conceptual design is complete when will the community have an opportunity to meet with the SCRD and Principal Architecture to review and comment as per my question below; with the response that “This date has not yet been determined”. So, is the time soon? on Twitter Share Now that conceptual design is complete when will the community have an opportunity to meet with the SCRD and Principal Architecture to review and comment as per my question below; with the response that “This date has not yet been determined”. So, is the time soon? on Linkedin Email Now that conceptual design is complete when will the community have an opportunity to meet with the SCRD and Principal Architecture to review and comment as per my question below; with the response that “This date has not yet been determined”. So, is the time soon? link
Now that conceptual design is complete when will the community have an opportunity to meet with the SCRD and Principal Architecture to review and comment as per my question below; with the response that “This date has not yet been determined”. So, is the time soon?
Fadder asked 4 months agoYou can provide feedback on the conceptual design via the Lets Talk Page for the project.
Opportunity for input to be incorporated into the design occurred during the extensive public engagement conducted between May and September 2023.
This input informed the Project Definition Report which was approved by the SCRD Board and is available to view on the Lets Talk Page.
The Project Definition Report guided the conceptual design to ensure the feedback received from the community was incorporated into the design.
Share When will Principal Architecture Inc have a design ready for review and comment by the public? on Facebook Share When will Principal Architecture Inc have a design ready for review and comment by the public? on Twitter Share When will Principal Architecture Inc have a design ready for review and comment by the public? on Linkedin Email When will Principal Architecture Inc have a design ready for review and comment by the public? link
When will Principal Architecture Inc have a design ready for review and comment by the public?
Fadder asked 10 months agoThis date has not yet been determined. The project team will meet in the coming weeks and form a timeline for milestones such as design and construction. This timeline will be shared on the Let’s Talk Page.
Share I would appreciate seeing updates to this page in terms of project milestones. As a Staff report was presented to the COW in December, outlining next steps in terms of the Connor Park Hall and a proposal for a third party lease of the existing building at Coopers Green, I think this page should reflect this in order to keep the community current of the latest action. Moving on from that, when will Staff issue the call for third party lease of the existing building? While the report indicates that the leasee can operate it according to the current zoning, will any steps to be taken to ensure that we don't end up with 2 community halls? on Facebook Share I would appreciate seeing updates to this page in terms of project milestones. As a Staff report was presented to the COW in December, outlining next steps in terms of the Connor Park Hall and a proposal for a third party lease of the existing building at Coopers Green, I think this page should reflect this in order to keep the community current of the latest action. Moving on from that, when will Staff issue the call for third party lease of the existing building? While the report indicates that the leasee can operate it according to the current zoning, will any steps to be taken to ensure that we don't end up with 2 community halls? on Twitter Share I would appreciate seeing updates to this page in terms of project milestones. As a Staff report was presented to the COW in December, outlining next steps in terms of the Connor Park Hall and a proposal for a third party lease of the existing building at Coopers Green, I think this page should reflect this in order to keep the community current of the latest action. Moving on from that, when will Staff issue the call for third party lease of the existing building? While the report indicates that the leasee can operate it according to the current zoning, will any steps to be taken to ensure that we don't end up with 2 community halls? on Linkedin Email I would appreciate seeing updates to this page in terms of project milestones. As a Staff report was presented to the COW in December, outlining next steps in terms of the Connor Park Hall and a proposal for a third party lease of the existing building at Coopers Green, I think this page should reflect this in order to keep the community current of the latest action. Moving on from that, when will Staff issue the call for third party lease of the existing building? While the report indicates that the leasee can operate it according to the current zoning, will any steps to be taken to ensure that we don't end up with 2 community halls? link
I would appreciate seeing updates to this page in terms of project milestones. As a Staff report was presented to the COW in December, outlining next steps in terms of the Connor Park Hall and a proposal for a third party lease of the existing building at Coopers Green, I think this page should reflect this in order to keep the community current of the latest action. Moving on from that, when will Staff issue the call for third party lease of the existing building? While the report indicates that the leasee can operate it according to the current zoning, will any steps to be taken to ensure that we don't end up with 2 community halls?
Linda asked about 1 year agoHi there - thank you for your question. A request for expressions of interest for options to oversee the operation of Coopers Green Hall has now been posted. It is available to see here: https://bcbid.gov.bc.ca/page.aspx/en/bpm/process_manage_extranet/189433 and at www.scrd.ca/bid
This opportunity will be publicized through local media and via the SCRD's Facebook Page and website.
Share Will you be updating this page soon? I'd be very interested to know the 2024 timelines, especially given the report that was provided by Staff to the COW in December 2023. Thank you. on Facebook Share Will you be updating this page soon? I'd be very interested to know the 2024 timelines, especially given the report that was provided by Staff to the COW in December 2023. Thank you. on Twitter Share Will you be updating this page soon? I'd be very interested to know the 2024 timelines, especially given the report that was provided by Staff to the COW in December 2023. Thank you. on Linkedin Email Will you be updating this page soon? I'd be very interested to know the 2024 timelines, especially given the report that was provided by Staff to the COW in December 2023. Thank you. link
Will you be updating this page soon? I'd be very interested to know the 2024 timelines, especially given the report that was provided by Staff to the COW in December 2023. Thank you.
Linda asked about 1 year agoThank you for your question. We have added a new tool to the community hall project page under the heading “Community Hall Progress.” This outlines all the known project milestones. As you will note from this tool, staff are currently developing the request for proposal for the project. Further updates will be provided when available on this page, via the SCRD Website and Facebook Page.
Share Hi...how would I go about providing a quote for your windows for this project? on Facebook Share Hi...how would I go about providing a quote for your windows for this project? on Twitter Share Hi...how would I go about providing a quote for your windows for this project? on Linkedin Email Hi...how would I go about providing a quote for your windows for this project? link
Hi...how would I go about providing a quote for your windows for this project?
Kim asked over 1 year agoThis project, like all SCRD projects, is subject to procurement rules to ensure a fair and transparent process. The Request for Proposal for construction services will be posted on BC Bid for proponents to access when this project nears construction.
Share Why is your hall costing an estimated four million dollars, when one can build a large luxury home for so much less than that? How much are you projecting it will cost per square foot? on Facebook Share Why is your hall costing an estimated four million dollars, when one can build a large luxury home for so much less than that? How much are you projecting it will cost per square foot? on Twitter Share Why is your hall costing an estimated four million dollars, when one can build a large luxury home for so much less than that? How much are you projecting it will cost per square foot? on Linkedin Email Why is your hall costing an estimated four million dollars, when one can build a large luxury home for so much less than that? How much are you projecting it will cost per square foot? link
Why is your hall costing an estimated four million dollars, when one can build a large luxury home for so much less than that? How much are you projecting it will cost per square foot?
N asked over 1 year agoThe budget approved for the community hall was based on the previous hall design at Coopers Green. You can read more about the original construction budget in the report presented to the Electoral Area Services Committee on May 19, 2022.
A revised budget for the hall was approved by the Board last month. You can read more about this in the report presented to the Committee of the Whole on June 22, 2023.
Share Why are you holding an event in Roberts Creek when the hall is being built in Halfmoon Bay? Why are you not having more interaction with the Halfmoon Bay community who will be mostly using this hall? Will the existing Coopers Green Hall still be available to the community? After all the fundraising done by this community for a new hall at Coopers Green Park, we certainly hope that the SCRD will respect the people of Halfmoon Bay and retain this hall. on Facebook Share Why are you holding an event in Roberts Creek when the hall is being built in Halfmoon Bay? Why are you not having more interaction with the Halfmoon Bay community who will be mostly using this hall? Will the existing Coopers Green Hall still be available to the community? After all the fundraising done by this community for a new hall at Coopers Green Park, we certainly hope that the SCRD will respect the people of Halfmoon Bay and retain this hall. on Twitter Share Why are you holding an event in Roberts Creek when the hall is being built in Halfmoon Bay? Why are you not having more interaction with the Halfmoon Bay community who will be mostly using this hall? Will the existing Coopers Green Hall still be available to the community? After all the fundraising done by this community for a new hall at Coopers Green Park, we certainly hope that the SCRD will respect the people of Halfmoon Bay and retain this hall. on Linkedin Email Why are you holding an event in Roberts Creek when the hall is being built in Halfmoon Bay? Why are you not having more interaction with the Halfmoon Bay community who will be mostly using this hall? Will the existing Coopers Green Hall still be available to the community? After all the fundraising done by this community for a new hall at Coopers Green Park, we certainly hope that the SCRD will respect the people of Halfmoon Bay and retain this hall. link
Why are you holding an event in Roberts Creek when the hall is being built in Halfmoon Bay? Why are you not having more interaction with the Halfmoon Bay community who will be mostly using this hall? Will the existing Coopers Green Hall still be available to the community? After all the fundraising done by this community for a new hall at Coopers Green Park, we certainly hope that the SCRD will respect the people of Halfmoon Bay and retain this hall.
Ellie asked over 1 year agoThe SCRD is seeking feedback from not only the residents of Halfmoon Bay (Area B), but also residents in the other electoral areas who are participants in the Community Parks service function. Residents of Electoral Area A, B, D, E and F all pay taxes that ultimately contribute to the operations of community halls in the Community Parks function.
In addition to voting to move the community hall location to Connor Park, the SCRD Board also directed staff to explore options to maintain the existing hall at Coopers Green Park. Staff will report back to the Board in the coming months about this.
Share Many people very much want the hall at Conner Park but we feel our voices are being drowned out by the minority that doesn’t want it there. How can we express our support for the hall at Connor Park without getting into a big argument every single time with this vocal minority? on Facebook Share Many people very much want the hall at Conner Park but we feel our voices are being drowned out by the minority that doesn’t want it there. How can we express our support for the hall at Connor Park without getting into a big argument every single time with this vocal minority? on Twitter Share Many people very much want the hall at Conner Park but we feel our voices are being drowned out by the minority that doesn’t want it there. How can we express our support for the hall at Connor Park without getting into a big argument every single time with this vocal minority? on Linkedin Email Many people very much want the hall at Conner Park but we feel our voices are being drowned out by the minority that doesn’t want it there. How can we express our support for the hall at Connor Park without getting into a big argument every single time with this vocal minority? link
Many people very much want the hall at Conner Park but we feel our voices are being drowned out by the minority that doesn’t want it there. How can we express our support for the hall at Connor Park without getting into a big argument every single time with this vocal minority?
Michael asked over 1 year agoThere are various ways to provide feedback on this project:
- Provide your feedback on the project through this Lets Talk page.
- Send a letter or an email addressed to the SCRD Board expressing your opinion ( mail to: SCRD, 1975 Field Road, Sechelt BC V7Z 0A8 or email: info@scrd.ca
- Attend a Board or Committee meeting when the topic is on the agenda (public Q and A follows every meeting) meeting schedule here: https://www.scrd.ca/calendar, agenda page here: https://www.scrd.ca/agendas
Share Why are you having a meeting at Roberts Creek about a HMB community hall? Shouldn’t your time, efforts and wages be put towards listening to what the people in Halfmoon Bay envision for their community? on Facebook Share Why are you having a meeting at Roberts Creek about a HMB community hall? Shouldn’t your time, efforts and wages be put towards listening to what the people in Halfmoon Bay envision for their community? on Twitter Share Why are you having a meeting at Roberts Creek about a HMB community hall? Shouldn’t your time, efforts and wages be put towards listening to what the people in Halfmoon Bay envision for their community? on Linkedin Email Why are you having a meeting at Roberts Creek about a HMB community hall? Shouldn’t your time, efforts and wages be put towards listening to what the people in Halfmoon Bay envision for their community? link
Why are you having a meeting at Roberts Creek about a HMB community hall? Shouldn’t your time, efforts and wages be put towards listening to what the people in Halfmoon Bay envision for their community?
Mystified asked over 1 year agoThe SCRD is seeking feedback from not only the residents of Halfmoon Bay (Area B), but also residents in the other electoral areas who are participants in the Community Parks service function. Residents of Electoral Area A, B, D, E and F all pay taxes that ultimately contribute to the operations of community halls in the Community Parks function.
Share 1. Are you planning something new with regards to bylaw enforcement? Every response to concerns about noise, etc refers to bylaws, but you have demonstrably no effective bylaw intervention for STRs in this area. Are there changes upcoming that I’m not aware of? If not, please understand that referring to ineffective bylaws and bylaw enforcement is not helpful. 2. Without parking bylaws how will on street parking be handled? When people park on both sides of Northwood the passage becomes wide enough for only one vehicle - and sometimes not wide enough for emergency vehicles. Currently, both sides of Northwood are used for parking before the school lot or any of the upper spots in the park are filled. on Facebook Share 1. Are you planning something new with regards to bylaw enforcement? Every response to concerns about noise, etc refers to bylaws, but you have demonstrably no effective bylaw intervention for STRs in this area. Are there changes upcoming that I’m not aware of? If not, please understand that referring to ineffective bylaws and bylaw enforcement is not helpful. 2. Without parking bylaws how will on street parking be handled? When people park on both sides of Northwood the passage becomes wide enough for only one vehicle - and sometimes not wide enough for emergency vehicles. Currently, both sides of Northwood are used for parking before the school lot or any of the upper spots in the park are filled. on Twitter Share 1. Are you planning something new with regards to bylaw enforcement? Every response to concerns about noise, etc refers to bylaws, but you have demonstrably no effective bylaw intervention for STRs in this area. Are there changes upcoming that I’m not aware of? If not, please understand that referring to ineffective bylaws and bylaw enforcement is not helpful. 2. Without parking bylaws how will on street parking be handled? When people park on both sides of Northwood the passage becomes wide enough for only one vehicle - and sometimes not wide enough for emergency vehicles. Currently, both sides of Northwood are used for parking before the school lot or any of the upper spots in the park are filled. on Linkedin Email 1. Are you planning something new with regards to bylaw enforcement? Every response to concerns about noise, etc refers to bylaws, but you have demonstrably no effective bylaw intervention for STRs in this area. Are there changes upcoming that I’m not aware of? If not, please understand that referring to ineffective bylaws and bylaw enforcement is not helpful. 2. Without parking bylaws how will on street parking be handled? When people park on both sides of Northwood the passage becomes wide enough for only one vehicle - and sometimes not wide enough for emergency vehicles. Currently, both sides of Northwood are used for parking before the school lot or any of the upper spots in the park are filled. link
1. Are you planning something new with regards to bylaw enforcement? Every response to concerns about noise, etc refers to bylaws, but you have demonstrably no effective bylaw intervention for STRs in this area. Are there changes upcoming that I’m not aware of? If not, please understand that referring to ineffective bylaws and bylaw enforcement is not helpful. 2. Without parking bylaws how will on street parking be handled? When people park on both sides of Northwood the passage becomes wide enough for only one vehicle - and sometimes not wide enough for emergency vehicles. Currently, both sides of Northwood are used for parking before the school lot or any of the upper spots in the park are filled.
Mardell asked over 1 year ago- Bylaw Enforcement is a separate service provided by the SCRD. The Bylaw officers are only able to respond to infractions that they are made aware of when complaints are received from the public. Typically complaints are responded to based on priority. All groups that book SCRD Community Halls agree to terms of use within the rental contract which provide additional recourse for any bylaw contraventions. SCRD Bylaw officers are not on call after hours, so noise complaints occurring during those times are best directed to the RCMP.
- The SCRD does not own or manage roads, as such there are no parking bylaws or capability to enforce them on public roadways – the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure (MoTI) is responsible for roads in rural areas. The Motor Vehicle Act regulates parking on streets and any contraventions of those regulations can be reported to the MoTI. Despite not having jurisdiction, through the development of this hall the SCRD intends to engage with MoTI to explore options to reduce the parking congestion along the Roadway.
New - Update on Site Preparation Work
View the conceptual design for the hall and read update
Halfmoon Bay Community Hall Project at Connor Park - Project Definition Report
Community Hall Progress
Site Investigation
Halfmoon Bay Community Hall Project has finished this stage -
Community Design Input
Halfmoon Bay Community Hall Project has finished this stage -
Consult with stakeholders
Halfmoon Bay Community Hall Project has finished this stage -
Project definition report
Halfmoon Bay Community Hall Project has finished this stageReport can be found here: https://letstalk.scrd.ca/36738/widgets/165812/documents/116522
Request for Proposal Under Development
Halfmoon Bay Community Hall Project has finished this stage -
Request for Proposal Issued
Halfmoon Bay Community Hall Project has finished this stage -
Construction and Design Contracts Awarded
Halfmoon Bay Community Hall Project has finished this stageDesign and construction contracts for the Halfmoon Bay Community Hall Project were awarded at the SCRD Board meeting on May 23, 2024. View the reports associated with the contract awards here: https://www.scrd.ca/wp-content/uploads/2024-MAY-23-BRD-Agenda-Package.pdf#page=22
Site Preparation Work
Halfmoon Bay Community Hall Project is currently at this stage -
Construction Begins
this is an upcoming stage for Halfmoon Bay Community Hall Project
March 2023 - Community Survey Results
Project History
March 2023
December 2022
July 2022
Common Questions about the Community Hall Project
- Who is paying for this hall?
- When will my donation be returned to me?
- What happened to the planned hall at Coopers Green Park?
- Will a hall at Connor Park result in forest being destroyed/white pine trees being cut down?
- Why Connor Park?
- Why build a hall at Connor Park when it is not on a bus route?
- Connor Park is designated as Agricultural Land Reserve (ALR). What impact will that have on building a hall?
- There is already a school gymnasium near Connor Park that can be used as a meeting space, why build a community hall?
- When will construction begin on improvements to Coopers Green Park?
- Where can I find more information on the Halfmoon Bay Community Hall Project?
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